March 4, 2009

Holiday curse...volume II

see "Holiday curse? (ie....holy vomit!) from July 2008 for background on this one. I do have plans to get all blog techy and learn to link and embellish and add buttons and things....but just haven't yet so you have to go search for the post if you want to read it. Anyhow.....back to the issue at hand:

Lists have been made.
Invitations have been sent.
Party favors have been bought (and returned for better party favors, that were then returned for the PERFECT party favors.)
Menu has been set (if you can call donuts, fruit and coffee a menu)
Morning of the party agenda communicted to interested persons (7:30 am - order coffee from Starbucks, 8:00 pick up donuts, 8:15 - send Barbara to get balloons....she MUST be the FIRST person in line at Party City!), 8:30 - head to the park to set up, 8:45 - Greg in charge of camera and video, 9:00 - PARTY!!!!

And with just three days to go, Ben has been diagonosed with RSV. Respitatory Syncytial Virus. Which is really just a bad cold with a nasty cough. And highly contagious. And means that he's on lock down at the hosue for the next several days. No friends. No activities. No fun....for me.

Did Ben really understand that he was having a birthday party on Saturday?!?! And did I hype it up too much? Practice singing Happy Birthday too much? Talk about all his friends and Nana and Pop T coming too much? And it was just more than he wanted. Or not what he wanted? So his licked the shopping cart handle (again) in hopes of contracting something serious enough to warrent cancelling the party?!?! B/c sadly, that's what I had to do today....after Greg made me. I know it's the right thing to do. But I was SO excited. And I have to say that Ben has been singing Happy Birthday to him self all day and talking about having a "birthday party" all night. I do not have the heart to tell him it's off, in case he did not infact sabatoge the whole thing. Poor little guy. I think we will have a mock party on Saturday. Just Greg, Ben and I. Donuts. Balloons. Playing in the back yard since we are banned from the park. I will take lots of pictures and make Greg get the video camera out. Feel free to stop by! And bring your kids. And presents! Just kidding. It's not safe :(

Friends, please do not even think about MENTIONING Easter Egg Hunts in the next month.

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