August 13, 2008

Grace, grace and more grace.

I am in Colorado at my parents' house for two weeks and trying to steal vacation moments on this trip. You know the difference. I need not explain.

So far so good here. (especially b/c I got to do yoga at the club and capitalize on their really good lattes this morning, so I'm in a happy, peaceful, caffeinated, place). My brother was here for a few days and the two of us went to the Vail Church on Sunday and heard a message that we both so needed to hear, and we needed to hear it sitting next to each other. We have only been to church together a handful of times in our lives. We did not grow up going to church, and we got saved at different times in very different places. But (praise the Lord!) we both know the same Jesus. In spite of that, we both know many of the same sins....intimately. Anger. Hurt. Envy. Bitterness. And apparently the Lord had plans to kill two (angry, bitter) birds with one stone (of truth).

The moral of the sermon Sunday is that we are called to extend endless grace to those around us. To those that hurt us. To those that make us feel insignificant...and unimportant. Those that do not know us, for who we are. That do not see value in what enjoy, because we enjoy it. That do not make the effort, to love us the way we need to be loved. We are called to extend grace to them, everyday, forever. Even if it is not recognized as grace. And we are not thanked. And our efforts are not noticed. Even if (this is the hardest one) they do not see Jesus in it. Or see Jesus ever.

Lord, please give us the strength, vision, and faithfulness to see Jesus and extend grace because of the unfathomable amount grace you have poured out on us, everyday, always, and forever.

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