October 16, 2008

i'm back

It's been an eventful month, ie. no time for blogging. Unfortunately that probably means no time for reflecting. Which really means no time for Jesus. YIKES! I shouldn't say it that way. I have been praying. A lot with Ben which I LOVE. He puts his little hands together and says, "pray?" And I do. And he says, "Amen!"....then, "mas?" And we pray more. But back to my month. I left Seva at the end of September. It just wasn't the right job at the right time. So Ben and I packed up and went to visit my folks in Houston for a week. (and family in Suger Land and College Station.) Things I learned: Ben loves to tormet my parents cat. "MOKEY JOE!" - Cat goes running for his life! Ben needs a dog. Ben loves his cousins and aunts and uncles and we need to visit them more. It really is more humid in Houston than you can even imagine. Literally. A sauna. Unreal. It wasn't even raining and the roads were wet. From the humidity. Is that possible? Did they teach us something about that in chemistry when I wasn't paying attention? Time does not exist between old friends. Everything seemed bigger when you were a little. You always feel like a kid in your parents house. Even if you have a kid. I am always looking over my shoulder to see if there is some one I know from a hundred years ago, who's name I won't be able to remember if they see me. This trip it was Amy Reedy (with child) at Chick-fil-a. And....there's no place like home. And after almost 10 years, California really is home. Except that my body has secretly stayed on Central Time and I have NO problem going to bed at 10:00 pm CT the first night I'm in Texas and getting a solid 10 hours of sleep. Ahhhh....that was nice!

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