February 28, 2009

I smell pot too....

Ben and I took a leisurely walk to the park by our house yesterday. We played for quite a while, then headed home (much to Ben's dismay). I kind of had to coerce him by carrying him and pretending to be a galloping horse and singing Trot old Joe, trot old Joe....you ride better than any horse I know....trot old Joe.....all the while trying not to pee in my pregnant pants. We were about through the park and back to the street and I catch a whiff of the unmistakable smell of wacky tobacky....ie. marijuana. After a brief flash back to a Steve Miller Band concert, I say out loud, "Ben, we have to go, I smell pot." To which he logically replies...."I smell pot too mama. I smell pot too."

How young is too young to have the "say no to drugs (or I'll tan your hide!)" conversation?

On a side note, if you google "pot", you will find links to How to Grow Pot and How to Smoke Pot listed before anything about planting in pots, or pots and pans or any other kind of pot. HAVE MERCY...kids don't even have to know the sketchy 25 year old guy that hangs around the high school parking lot anymore. Lord....please protect the little ones.

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