November 3, 2008

Like on an airplane

If you know me probably know I have trouble do you say....focusing? Specifically on one item/project/activity for an extended (more than 2 minutes) period of time. But I learned years ago on a cross country flight, that if confined to a small space (airplane seat...which is smaller than small. I'm a small person and BARELY fit!) with limited distractions (in-flight movies to not count as distractions b/c they are generally horrible and I'm never in an ideal seat to see the screen at the right angle) I am able to really buckle down and focus on something (usually work, a book, etc) from take off to landing. I heard about a writer that use to book a NY to LA round trip flight when he was having writers block and would write 5 hours West and 5 hours East. Due to limited funds, a small child and well honestly not really liking to fly THAT much. I have found the second best place (for me). The Cafe at Mariner's church. On Monday mornings I drop Ben off at the church nursery for "Mom's Morning Out" and I head in to the cafe and book store for 3-1/2 hours of uninterrupted focused time. Pray I use this time wisely!

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