November 9, 2008

what's in that head?

It has just occurred to me that my sweet Ben can say his ABCs, count to 10 in Spanish (but not English :), sign the "Itsy Bitsy Spider," sing the first part of Frosty the Snow Man (we're really over summer here and living vicariously through a board book that my mom gave Ben last winter), spot Elmo a mile away and wakes up asking for his Monkies (Curious George). But knows so little about Jesus. He remembers everything he hears and repeats everything we say. And everyday I am missing opportunities to tell him about the sweet love of Jesus! Sorry Elmo and Curious Jorge, you are going to time out....indefinently.

1 comment:

Bronwen said...

Annemarie and I have been talking about this a lot... So true -- a time of such sponginess.