December 5, 2008

The Lazy Complex

Will I ever snap out of this first trimester sleepy daze? Have I forever lost all productivity? How will I ever keep up with two children?!?! (this will have to be addressed in a separate blog entry!) How many consecutive hours of the Food Network channel can I watch with out ever getting up to actually cook anything for my starving family? I've started saying things like, "I think I have mono (you know....the kissing disease that spread like wild fire in high school that left entire classes sick at home with a fever, sore throat and unbelievable lack of energy!)." And, "I only got a two hour nap today....I'm dragging."

I know this will not last forever. There is that brief period, between the first trimester, and when you get too big to sleep comfortably (when ever that may be) where you have the energy of two people. Able to clean entire houses, fix meals for days and decorate babies rooms....all before breakfast. I have BIG plans for that period. But I hope that it is brief....b/c it makes me tired just thinking about it.

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