January 18, 2009

can you guess?

Just like that....I am 18 weeks pregnant. And many of you (impatient, love a good surprise but can't wait long enough for one) know that most Dr.s recommend a full blown ultra sound at this point in pregnancy to make sure everything is developing correctly. They measure the heart, lungs, arms, legs, and who knows what else. AND, if you want to know (even if your husband would rather not know, but you really really want to know) you can find out the sex of the baby. Yea! So Monday morning, 10:00 am, I will be finding out if our little turnip (approximate size of the baby at this point....I don't really know how big turnips are) is a boy or girl! And as I type, it occurs to me that I have not even once looked at the Chinese calendar, tied a string with my wedding ring around my finger and watched it circle, or go side to side, or any of the other super accurate ways to tell the gender of your unborn child. However I did ask Greg repetitively (daily for two weeks) if I could go visit the "Shady Lady" who for a mere $25 will give you an ultrasound and tell you the sex of the baby as early as 13 weeks. My friends call her the "Shady Lady" and I have a mental picture of some woman with a ultrasound machine in her garage and a line of barley pregnant women knocking on the side door like a Speak Easy offering up some password to get in. But, since I have waited this long, and my appointment is in two days....I will resist.

1 comment:

Hailey's Helpful Hints said...

Linds, your "story" is so geniune, I feel like I know you so much better. Your honesty and openness is very touching.