January 5, 2009

shopping spree

I know some people are making wise financial "resolutions" this time of year...with the sad state of the economy, rising unemployment, home foreclosures, etc. But not me!

This week I bought:

A radiator. Which I was SO excited about. I mean, who doesn't want to spend a "nicer than any pair of shoes I've ever owned" amount of $ on a part for your car that you just assumed would work for ever? But had apparently cracked and started leaking mysterious fluid....everywhere. Yea! I LOVE my new radiator and will NOT roll my eyes in disgust when I have to pay the credit card bill this month.

A vacuum. Which I also thought would run forever. Which it kind of had if you consider my mom owned our vacuum for at least 10 years before gifting it to me when I moved to California 10 years ago. But it finally threw in the towel so to speak a couple months ago. Which was perfect timing with my first trimester b/c I didn't want to clean anyway. But the dust was starting to build so high the ceilings felt lower. Anywho....I did a Greg-worthy amount of research and bought myself a German engineered Meile vacuum. Top of the line. HEPA filter and all. It's like the BMW of vacuums. Maybe I should have bought a BMW instead of a new radiator and a vacuum.? Regardless, I take my cleaning very seriously (and miss my dear Lisbeth terribly!!!!) and couldn't resist getting the best and knowing that all the dust would be GONE (for a day or two before I needed to vacuum again). Greg will choke when he see's the credit card bill this month.

PIZZA on-line!!!! Did you know you could do this?!?!? It's like groceries but better b/c it's hot. I can't lie....I was sitting here watching the food network (shocker) and there was a commercial for Papa Johns...com! click. click. click. and 35 minutes later I am eating hot pizza. Terrible, I know. But I was starving. And it's Texas Football game day. And Ben is sleeping (was sleeping until the Papa Johns guy knocked AND rang the door bell) so I couldn't go get a hot pizza. So, I had it delivered. Having food delivered during nap time feels like something I should not do ever....or often....or very often.


megha said...

well this is indeed a shopping spree for sure.

Cash Gifting Leads

Tiffany Lindsey said...

been there, done that! Don't worry, pretty soon the baby will take over and there will be no more room for food! When I was prego with the twins I think I ate at least 4 popsicles every day! In my defense, it was summer in Hawaii and I was HOT!