January 9, 2009

everyone should have...

a Gramma Dorie. Most of you know that my Grandmother recently moved to California (from Texas) and is living with my Aunt, about a mile from us. Gramma Dorie spent most of her life in Southern California before moving to Texas to be near my family growing up. I'm not sure how long she intended to stay, but she was there almost 25 years. And for a beach loving, sun worshiping lady, that's a LONG time! I remember the DAY she moved to Texas. I was 6 years old, and I was having a birthday party at my house. All my friends were there. Cake. Presents. Everything a girl could ask for. But I was not interested. Gramma Dorie was on her way from California and would be pulling into the drive way later that day!! I just stared out our living room window, looking for her blue Datsun hatch back.

So fast forward lots of years....I have Sweet Ben, who Gramma Dorie fell in love with the first time she met him. And year and a half later, she's here in Costa Mesa. More specifically, at my house today during nap time so I could go to the market with out my Sweet Ben. And Tuesday she was here so I could go to a Dr. appointment. And she folds laundry. And plays cards. And mends holes in sweaters. And watches football games with us. And likes to talk with me. And is good listener. And above all else, she dearly loves my Sweet Ben and provides him HOURS upon HOURS of entertainment each week. Especially in the back seat of the car when we are running errands. She sits with him and talks and laughs and sings, and I run in and out of banks, post offices, dry cleaners....all with out having to unbuckle (and really buckling back in is the challenge) my almost 2 year old. She has taught him songs and rhymes and letters and numbers. Why am I so lucky? This, on top of Auntie (my Aunt Carol Ann) that is asking for Ben to spend the night every month! Seriously?!?! I have to be careful or Ben's going to start calling one of them mom.


Bronwen said...

too awesome to imagine...

Tiffany Lindsey said...

Enjoy it!!!! (: (: Ben is so lucky!