May 10, 2009

Are you my mother?

One of Ben's favorite little board books is titled, "Are You My Mother?" It's short and silly and well worn. And we've been reading it for over a year now. But he still likes it. The little bird, searching for his mama, asking all the animals he sees, "are you my mother?" It's kind of sad. And kind of silly. And the bird returns home and finds his mother at the end. Sorry if I ruined it for you. :) But sometimes I look at Ben and I your mother?!?! How did that happen? I feel too young, and not qualified! And how can you be two years old already?!?! And at that same moment, he shoots me a smile, a little laugh and says, "MAMA!" and I know it's for real.

And I never could have imagined the love. And joy. I could enjoy from just watching a little boy play. And discover new things. And sing me songs. And be proud of himself. And want me to be proud of him. The soul satisfying moments holding him. And laughing with him. And comforting him. And encouraging him. And teaching him.

Thank you Lord for this joy. And an official holiday to celebrate it that included coffee brought to me this morning, a sweet card and thoughtful gifts and tasty meals....that I did not prepare or clean up. Amen!

1 comment:

Bronwen said...

Oh so true! This journey that we are on -- how did we get here? So amazing.