May 28, 2009

On the cross on a hill

Ben and I went to visit my old roommate Danielle and her 4 (FOUR, CUATRO!) kids yesterday afternoon. Her oldest two girls are 4 and 5 and were adorable with Ben. They showed him their room, let him play with all their stuffed animals, jump on their beds, chased him around, and just loved on him. It was really sweet. They also asked him a bunch of questions (where are your eyes, nose, etc) and giggled as he responded. Then they proceeded to ask him where Jesus was. (I think they were trying to stump him!) I had no idea how he would answer this question because it's not something we've talked specifically about. Or at least not in a location sense. The girls were looking for the answer, "in my heart," but Ben looked right at them and said, "He's on the cross. On a hill." And kept playing. I was amazed.

Yes son, Jesus was on the cross, on a hill. For us.

We read a book titled, "Thank you God" before bed time quite a bit. And there is a page that says, "Thank you God for the cross on the hill and the Bethelam star." And he put the two and two together. It was such a tender, sweet moment. (obviously I've asked him 100 times since yesterday afternoon where Jesus is just to hear him say it again. I'm so annoying. But it's PRECIOUS!)

Lord, I pray that you grab hold of Ben's little heart.

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