January 28, 2010

day 2

12:01 a.m. lyle coughing
12:25 ben coughing
1:32 lyle coughing
2:05 am....ben....pooped in his pull up. and when i say pooped, i mean couldn't make it to the toilet sleepy diarrhea. yes. i said it. because yes. i had to clean it up. new jammies. load of laundry.
3:15 back to sleep.
3:30 lyle coughing
4:45 lyle awake. paci. back to sleep.
5:45 everyone awake
6:30 breakfast, pour coffee, burn toast,
7:30 take first sip of coffee

bible study.

12:30 home
12:35 ben coughing so hard he threw up. all over both of us.



inhaler. singular. praying for sleep.

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