January 31, 2010

day 5....

i think i can i think i can i think i can.

would be doing a little better if BOTH boys weren't still sick. green snot everywhere. coughing....all night long. i was so tired i couldn't tell who was coughing so i just laid in bed and listened. they both survived the night. i almost didn't. b/c lyle was awake from 3-4 and did i mention that I'M TIRED?!?!?!?

green snot....which means we're banned from places like school, church and the gym. and all my other happy places. except disneyland of course. b/c we don't know those people and they don't know where i live if my kids get their kids sick. kidding. sort of. i promise i sanitized ben's hands 1,000 times while we were there friday. and lyle keeps his cough to his little space.

a friend is coming to watch the kids this morning so i can go to church. so i can worship God. calm my spirit. and hopefully not discipline in anger (any more than i already have this weekend).

just so you are not afraid for my children. i have implemented mommy time outs. and ben got some new movies at the library so he doesn't really care if i leave the room for 33 minutes. (you know....a minute for every year old i am).

cont...12 minute nap (for me) then ben peed on carpet in his room. are you freaking kidding me?

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