January 22, 2010


Sadly, we are still recovering from PTTD (Post Traumatic Travel Disorder) from the holidays. Please feel free to use this term until I have it trademarked....soon.

There have been some sleepless nights, early mornings, and countless desperate requests to sleep in our bed. I am exhausted. Additionally, when lamenting Ben's crazy behavior as of late, just about everyone gives a head tilt and explains it's probably just PTTD. Though they don't use those words. But they will now. When I publish a book on it. And more importantly, how to recover from it.

I do struggle with making choices that ideally lead to my kids health and happiness...and salvation. Or salvation....then health and happiness. And travel does not seem to lead to their immediate health or happiness. When I am yelling at them to buckle their seat belts on the plane...no one is happy. (no....I do not yell at Lyle. but I do ask him 'why the freak his is awake at 2:30 am and will not go back to sleep' in a loud voice sometimes).

I don't like (my whole body tightens with stress and anxiety) to put my kids in situations where they're not healthy food options and comfy, quiet sleep spots when nap time and night time arrive. i just think it's mean. if i am really tired. and someone asks me to sleep in a room full of people. in an uncomfortable spot. i'd be annoyed. so i try to spare my kids that. which makes travel difficult all around.

but there are moments, when everyone is happy and enjoying the bliss of new places and people we don't see often enough...that makes it worth it. i think.

PTSD....in a separate post.

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