January 18, 2010

like a mother bird?

this morning, before giving ben his banana at breakfast, i took a bite.

he freaked out. big time. tears. hysteria. anger. red face. on the ground. saying he wanted that piece. and i took it. and he wanted it.

i couldn't believe it. was so baffled. and could hardly take his tantrum over a banana seriously.

so i did what any mommy bird would have done. i spit out the chewed up banana into my hand and gave it to him.

and he ate it.


i think he was just trying to prove a point.

i don't know what his point was.


Erin said...

we have had many a screaming fit over mommy eating the banana top. took me about 5 different episodes of this to realize that i always ate the tops of every banana i gave to frank. i gave in on this one and now i let him eat them. ben and frank, if they were only together, what trouble they would get into.

Bronwen said...

HA. We have had MANY a you-bit-my-food-without-asking-and-ruined-its-wholeness tantrums too. Oh gracious. I love your response. And his to yours.

Bronwen said...

HA. We have had MANY a you-bit-my-food-without-asking-and-ruined-its-wholeness tantrums too. Oh gracious. I love your response. And his to yours.