September 18, 2008


greg and I just had an impromptu conversation in the kitchen about me not working any more. really i was talking and tired, sick (everyone has the cold and ben coughed three times this evening....please sweet Lord Jesus don't let this turn into a three week long cough) greg was listening to me come to the very rational conclusion that i don't want to work (volunteer) for Seva for no money any longer and the way my calculator sees it, the longer i work (for no money) the longer I'll have to work (for money) to get out of the land of negative pay and ever break even on this hair (ad)venture. and it's looking like years. and that feels like indentured servitude. and i think after the civil war that is against the law. and what if it's just ben and i for a while? is that ok? b/c two kids feels like it looks like ( to the outside world that I don't care what they think) a full time consuming job and justification for not working (outside the home which was really inside the home which never really worked). and i think i'm sore from chasing ben around fashion island yesterday. more sore than when i work out. which brings me to money saving conclusion #2....drop gym membership and take ben to run around fashion island every morning. or somewhere else that does not accept credit cards.

1 comment:

Jodie Mac said...

I was just thinking that I wasn't encouraging you enough since I hadn't seen any entries in awhile, and you go and post these 2... very heartfelt, very vulnerable posts. I'm also sad for the little friends of Zach and Quinny/Izzy that I will not know. This week we would be watching Ben while you were up the street giving your standard 3 pushes in 10 minutes routine. Sometime soon. In the meantime, I think your little buddy will love having his mommy to play with every day. You are his favorite. Its written all over his face.

And I'm glad to see you are sharing your blog with others. Who comment :-)