June 3, 2009

Love basket

Ok ladies (....I'm fairly certain I don't have any male readers out there!) I got this idea from a book I'm reading with my dear friend Karin. The book is titled "Youniquely Woman" and it is written by 3 wise, old women that love Jesus. I don't think they'd mind me saying old. I think they are old no matter how you look at it. But they have lived well and experienced a lot and share openly. It's good stuff. And very practical. Which I appreciate at this stage. No time to ponder HOW to incorporate life changing principles into my life....must clean the floor. Use vinegar and water? THANK YOU. That is the kind of information I was looking for.

So back up two weeks, and Greg basically lived at his office for a week straight. He was up and out before I even thought about opening my eyesin the morning, and home long after Ben and I were in bed. Now I can't say I'm the BEST at consistently providing a healthy, hot meal for my family for dinner. It is usually thrown together some time between 6-6:15. ......but poor Greg had been eating the second 1/2 of a $5 footlong for days and I was feeling bad that he was stuck at the office will an insurmountable load of work. And I am being as supportive as possible with his work load these days, knowing that as soon as the baby comes, I will likely not be supportive of his work load at all and want him home a lot more. But I'm holding on to that card for now.

Anywho....I'd just finished reading the section on marriage...you know, how to have a good, loving one? And one of the suggestion was making a love basket for your husband. (Although this can be done for anyone who needs a little love. Friend. Neighbor. Mom. Sister. Share the love!) I'm not sure this guarantees a good, loving marriage, but it sure helps it when one or both people need a little pick me up.

So Ben and I spent the morning gathering Greg's favorite snacks at Trader Joes, making him a tasty sandwich for lunch, and spicy curry chicken for dinner. We packed a bag full of fruit, drinks, snacks and both meals. Added hand made cards with all sorts of love, and called him to make the delivery.

We met Greg outside his office and delievered the goods. First it was just good to see him during daylight hours. And he sat in the car and played with Ben for a while, which was also wonderful. And he was so blessed by the love basket. And even better is that Ben and I were so blessed to make it. We had such a fun time with our project and thinking of creative ways to tell daddy how much we loved and appreciated him. Even if I'd started the morning bitter that he wouldn't be home for dinner again, it ended with love. Lots of love.

Share the love ladies!!!


Unknown said...

I love it, Linds! Amen to the Love Basket!! wonderful idea! i just wish my hubby liked to eat like i do! jeje :)
i think he maybe would eat one or two things out of a basket like that... hmm... but it's the thought that counts, right? :)
cards are always good though, and maybe i could think of some other fun things to add, let me know if you have any other ideas!

Tiffany Lindsey said...

AWESOME Linds!!!!!!

Erin said...

i might just borrow this idea. you are a great writer. i will love reading this and learning about your life!