July 5, 2009

i use to work....

i use to be a good conversationalists. i use to ask all sorts of questions. good questions. especially at work. i use to work.

now i breast-feed. it's kind of like work. can take up to 8 hours a day. and i guess there are decisions. which boob? and bigger decisions. do i give a bottle at some point? i have no desire to. but will want the freedom at some point....right? and important things to remember. which boob? and "project planning." when is the next feeding? and which boob to start with? and goals. 10 minutes at least little lyle. and milestones. measured by weight gain. and poop.

yea. i breast-feed. and i think somehow the baby chemically sucks my brain out with the milk. has anyone studied this? b/c we all talk about pregnancy brain. and mom brain. as in "where did mine go?" and now i know. we physically give our brains to our kids. to the next generation. go forth lyle. and be smart. i use to be. :)


Erin said...

you are hilarious. i love your blog. feels like i am reading my own life, but you're funnier. i had a clothesline after hurricane ike. loved it. eventually took it down after getting tired of ducking under it all the time and accidentally leaving clothes out overnight that got a weird smell.

Unknown said...

classic, thorburn!! :) just fyi, you're still way smarter than i'll ever be. your children are blessed.