July 25, 2009

sleepy wrap

Thanks to my sweet friend Danielle for blessing me with a gift certificate to a maternity / nursing store in Aliso Viejo, I am the proud own of a sleepy wrap. (the woman on the website is clearly just a model and not the mom of an infant...or her eyes would be only 1/2 open and she would be carrying "baby weight" along with her baby.) Lyle travels in style now. And I carry him in comfort. However....there are a few limitations that should be noted. It should be further noted that these limitations are really more a reality of having two kids, rather than any flaws with the sleepy wrap design. Which my babe and I love.

Things you can not or should not do while wearing your baby in a sleepy wrap.

try to put sneekers on (babies head kind of rolls out the top and they might fall out)
spank your toddler (see above)
spank your toddler while he is in the car refusing to get in his car seat (this probably should not be done with or with out the sleepy wrap)
cook dinner (this probably should not be done with an infant at all. that's what Wahoo's is for!)

other than that, you're good to go. happy sleepying.

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