July 6, 2009

packing the ice chest...

we spent a lot of time packing the ice chest when i was little. you see....it was HOT in texas. especially in the summer. and you had to keep things cool. or you would die.

mom would make sandwiches. tuna or turkey. on wheat bread. our favorite. and put them in these little individual Tupperware containers made specifically for sandwiches. and we'd put them in the ice chest. along with a couple dr. peppers. and some lemonade for dad. and a diet coke for mom. and lots of ice on top. and some home made chocolate chip cookies in a plastic bag. and we'd go to the lake or to the pool.

last week. i made some sandwiches. and put them in an ice chest. along with a couple drinks. and some cookies. and took my boys to the pool. and it felt right. like it was my turn. to be mom. with two kids. making lunches. and playing outside. i love summer. and picnics. and staying out until the sun goes down. and coming home in a damp bathing suit. and washing off in the tub. and getting ready for bed. a little sun burned. and worn out. and i sure hope my boys do to!

it did not feel so "right" at 2:30 am when the littlest of my kids wanted to wake up and eat and spit op on everything in sight.

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